Ieva Jankovska

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Contemporary jewellery designer and artist, Ieva Jankovska, is based in Dundee, Scotland. She describes her practice as an amalgamation of her Latvian heritage and appreciation for the skills and knowledge gained over the last decade living and studying in Scotland. Ieva is a graduate of the Duncan and Jordanstone College of Art and Design. During her studies in Jewellery and Metal Design, she researched the use of modern technologies in communicating traditional craft.

The duality of her identity is evident throughout her designs, merging traditional silversmithing techniques with modern technologies; contrasting natural forms with stark, geometric shapes and enhancing minimal aesthetic with fine details.

Although the visual inspiration in her work is mostly derived from nature – time spent indoors, observing the world through windows, has prompted the recurrent use of architectural elements, such as rigid frames, straight lines and flat planes.

Ieva’s ambition is to demystify the craft making process and reclaim its place in the contemporary art realm. Thus it is no surprise that her practice often transcends the jewellery medium to include performance, video and other works.